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  What's SPA?

Spa comes from Latin "Sanus Per Aquam" means health care by allowing water to good health and relaxation. As defined as generally known. Spa treatment means holistic health care methods that use natural elements in water treatment along with therapy to medical alternatives. Using science experience and 5 are images taste smell and touch are factors that create equilibrium between the physical, mental, spiritual emotional Spa is a mixture of art and science of healing to health that incorporate the principles of sensory and 5 into. together

Image is to create a relaxed atmosphere. Add a vibrant place with the fresh green of trees worldwide. Tinged with the beautiful colors of flowers, etc..Taste of food is a Spa Cuisine. The way to healing the body. By eating healthy food is proportional to the body. Especially vegetables and fruit should be large quantity. Materials be prepared to live by RAI without toxic and more palatable, even drinking hot herbal tea such as ginger, water, etc each glass are helping drive the toxic properties of residues to break out the body.

Smell the aroma therapy of the principles of aromatherapy in her mold. Sound is to music comfortable vertical spiritual music or voice imitating natural sounds such as dripping water sound waves or sound boom Exposure is to nurture the tender touch of Spa Therapist to provide physical and psychological therapy to daydream Lead to deep relaxation.

Spa international organizations. (International Spa Association - ISPA), which was established to set criteria. The spa is over 1,900 members from 53 countries worldwide. Provide the same standard is announced that "spa" today does not mean healthy place with water treatment alone. But also a place for people to relax. Add the power of life. Each of the spa is what is, techniques and services. Depending on the concept of spa such

Spa is a holistic treatment that focuses on preventing illness rather than treat the symptoms Wildwood, Chrissie, 1997, said the mood changes likely cause illness. Thailand is a country that must hold the first standardized service health spa and come out clearly. The terms of the Company under the Ministry of Health on a location for health and beauty. The 2509 Act places (Amendment Act 2547 No. 4) with the text as "health spa business. This means that the business of providing health care and strengthening. The main services provided include Massage. Health and water service may have, such as baking healthy. Exercise for Health and Diet Therapy Potchana yoga and meditation. Use herbal or health products and medical alternatives. Optional.
